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We Review Some of The Most Accurate Sleep Tracking Devices

If you have any doubt about the quality of your nightly sleep, a well-designed and properly calibrated sleep monitoring device can explain your rest patterns and habits. It is valuable information to have to help determine if you’re getting enough sleep and steps you can take to get more of it.

The quality of your sleep will affect your health, mood, thinking, and overall life quality. A few days of bad sleeping patterns can create problems most will not be able to cope with. Thanks to modern technology, there is accurate sleep tracking devices one can use to record the right statistics for better insight.

How do Sleep Trackers Work?

If you understand how they function you’ll be able to appreciate what they can do for you. The sleep tracking monitors marketed to consumers all over the world come with small accelerometers that are capable of detecting even the smallest movement.

The idea behind sleep trackers is that lack of movement on the part of the wearer will mean they’re asleep. There are very accurate sleep trackers that also claim to provide you a score to help determine what quality of sleep you’re getting. The science behind that aspect of the monitoring device comes with many pros and cons as to the accuracy of the data provided to the user.

Best Sleep Trackers Review

1 – Fitbit One Wireless Activity Plus Sleep Tracker Review

This sleep monitoring device is from a major player in this niche market called Fitbit. Any Fitbit One review you find online will always mention how the product is designed not only to track your sleeping patterns but also your fitness activities.

Notable Features

For activity tracking this device monitors the number of steps, distance traveled, stairs climbed, and calories burned.

Not only will the Fitbit One provide data about the number of hours you slept, but also the quality of your sleeping statistics.

This best sleep tracker from Fitbit comes with an embedded silent alarm that is able to wake you up without disturbing your partner.

The Fitbit One is capable of synching effortlessly to your computer or other digital devices, all via the provided 4.0 Bluetooth technology.

Another worthy feature is the battery charge indicator light that is able to give you the current status of the battery power.

Is It Worth the Investment?

The Fitbit One sleep tracker is reasonably priced and comes with an accelerometer, altimeter, and the analytics power to deliver accurate data about your sleeping patterns, fitness activities, including calories, burned. It can be used as a clip-on when tracking your fitness activities while you need to wear it as a wristband during your sleeping hours.

The manufacturer is well regarded within the industry, and most of the current users of the Fitbit One gave it high ratings, and you can read some of the feedbacks by clicking the image or the link provided underneath the image.

2 – LifeTrak Core C210 Tracker Review

LifeTrak is another company with significant sleep tracking products within this industry. It uses an ambient sensor to track your fitness activities and your sleeping patterns. From a LifeTrak Core C210 Review, we looked at online, this product also comes with an ECG heart rate monitor and accelerometer.

Notable Features

The inclusion of a heart rate monitor enhances the accuracy of this sleep and fitness tracking device. The inclusion of good ambient data sensing technology is powerful enough to keep up with all your activities, plus the quality of your sleep.

It is not only able to track your sleep quality but will also keep track of the number of calories consumed.

The automatic tracking found in the LifeTrak Core C210 is enhanced by the dynamic distance calibration feature.

It uses the latest OLED display technology to output data to the screen. You get a free App, which makes it easier to analyze your sleep patterns and fitness activities.

Is It Worth the Investment?

While this unit is cheaper than the Fitbit One sleep tracker, the reviews from current users are less than sterling. While the majority of the LifeTrak Core C210 users love the product and would gladly recommend it to everyone they know, few had negative experiences with the sleep monitoring device.

From the data we analyzed while researching this sleep tracker reviews, the Fitbit One monitoring device provides a better value for your money.

Features You Want in a Good Sleep Tracker

Before we get to the reviews of more of the best sleep trackers one can find online, there are certain facts that need to be explained. There are many ways one could go about comparing these devices, and below are some of the most desirable features found in the top brands.

It is also now common for the best sleep tracker to perform other functions like fitness tracking. The quality of the unit you end up getting will be greatly influenced by how much you’re willing to spend, the reputation of the manufacturer, and the design setup.

Battery Life

Your sleep tracker will only function with an adequate supply of battery “juice”. One with an internal rechargeable battery might offer you better performance metrics.
The device to monitor sleep quality must, at least, come with a feature that lets you know about the status of the battery power and if it needs replacing or recharging.

The Design Interface

Not only should the sleep tracker be accurate but you also need a good interface to be able to ascertain the provided information. The high-end sleep trackers will come with good LED screens including the latest in LCD technology.

The interface design will also determine how the device can be used with best sleep monitoring Apps, especially if you desire more detailed analysis of the data about your sleeping patterns.

You’ll have to choose between the one you can wear on your wrist, one that clips on, or one that is made to be placed under your sheets as you sleep.

What type of Technology Does it Use?

While most sleep trackers are able to do almost the same thing, the technology that powers them is different and constantly evolving. At present, some will use motion sensors to detect your movement, while others will use heat sensors to monitor your breathing and heart rate to determine when you’re actually deep asleep.

You do have to decide if you want a dedicated product made for mainly tracking your sleep pattern, or one that can also track your fitness activities and other health statistics.

Type of Warranty

We believe the warranty from the manufacturer should be taken into consideration while exploring the best sleep tracker to purchase. The monitoring device should, at least, be guaranteed for one year by the manufacturer.

Feedbacks from Current Users

Before you push the buy now button, it would be prudent on your part to read some of the opinions offered by current users of the sleep monitoring device. A well designed and properly calibrated sleep tracker will come with higher approval ratings from users that purchased and currently use the product.

Additional Sleep Tracker Reviews

3 – Garmin Vivofit Fitness Band Review

This unit is from the company that manufactures one of the most popular GPS devices one can use for directions while driving. From a Vivofit by Garmin Review we looked at online, this sleep monitoring device comes with a feature that lights up every 15-minutes if it senses inactivity.

Notable Features

The Garmin Vivofit has a specific feature that needs to be turned on to track your sleep while shutting down the other functions. When it senses no movement on the part of the wearer for a certain amount of time, it automatically assumes you’re sleeping and will commence the data collection.

This monitoring device from Garmin uses digital display technology and comes with a durable built-in accelerometer that is capable of keeping track of your movement, including the distance traveled and steps taken.

Based on the goals you’ve set, it can estimate the number of calories burned. It uses an internal battery that is designed to last for one year. The only downside is that you might forget to buy replacements for the two replaceable coin cell batteries required for the device to function.

You get a free Garmin Connect App that allows you to upload your data to an active community of like-minded users, or into your favorite digital devices. This feature makes it easier to categorize and analyze your data to see your quality of sleep, including if you’re meeting your fitness goals.

Is It Worth the Investment?

While this sleep monitoring device has all the features needed to accurately track your sleeping patterns and fitness activities, the Fitbit One scores a better rating number from existing customers. On the other hand, this best sleep tracking device from Garmin is less expensive than the two brands reviewed above.

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