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Can You Trust Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes Nutrition Information?

This article will not be about frosted flakes nutrition information, but some of the ingredients in frosted flakes will make you think twice before buying another box. Kellogg’s frosted flakes nutrition facts are meaningless, as some of the ingredients are derived from synthetic vitamins and BHT Preservatives

I used to be a regular buyer and consumer of Kellogg’s frosted corn flakes until I became conscious of what I was putting into my body. We humans pay close attention to what is on the outside while consuming all types of junk that ultimately damages our internal organs.

The injury to the internal organs is usually reflected in over-weight syndromes, more wrinkled skin, fine lines, joint pains, anal bleeding, bladder problems, kidney failure, chest pains, poor eyesight, diminishing sex drive, foul smelling urine and stool, etc.

This breakfast cereal beloved by adults and kids alike was first created in 1951 and has many varieties to keep the addiction going with the new generation. Some of your cartoon character movies and sports activities are sponsored by this company for good reason.

If only we took the time to analyze the junk that’s included in our food supply, most of our sickness will simply disappear. I have looked for ways to get some of our avid reader’s attention about the poor state of our food supply chain. Most people naively believe the government will do a good job policing what ingredients are included in our food chain.

Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Nutrition Information

The government bureaucracy that’s supposed to be in charge is now completely neutered and staffed by industry-friendly employees. The buzz word around Washington DC and most state capitol buildings is to cut regulations, and most gullible citizens are falling in love with the carefully chosen slogan.

I will not go into details about the condition of our nation’s water supply and the amount of contaminants that’s allowed to flow into our drinking water. So today for clarity sake, let’s take a closer look at what is included in one of the most popular breakfast cereal called Kellogg’s frosted flakes.

If you like your cereal and do not give a damn what type of poison is included, please do not read the rest of the article, as it might make you feel sick to your stomach. The sleek public relation commercials cannot hide the fact that this popular breakfast cereal is loaded with ingredients that will simply diminish the functions of your internal organs as you eat more of it.

Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes Ingredients:

Milled Corn

The number one ingredient is milled corn, but that can mean anything. Milled corn can be derived from a number of corns products, which then is grinded to many levels of coarseness, which can vary from chunky to very fine. Milled corn is also used to make corn flour, grits, Indian meal, corn powder, cookies, and many others.

Mind you, Kellogg is not required by law to tell us if the corn used is from the USA or sourced from abroad. Neither are they required to tell us if genetically modified organisms by-products are included in the milled corn.

Most manufacturers have fought tooth and nail to weaken labeling laws, California came close to passing the nation’s first tough food labeling law called Prop 37 in 2012, but the initiative was defeated with concerted efforts from food manufacturers and supermarket chains including whole foods. You can read about the initiative here or this CNN article.

So we do not know where the corn used in making the milled corn is sourced from, neither do we know if genetically modified organisms are included in the process. But there are more nasty stuff in that popular breakfast cereal that should get you worried.


Another active ingredient is sugar. Do you know this breakfast cereal used to be called “Sugar Frosted Flakes”, but the name was altered in 1983? Refined sugar is not good for your internal organs, simply because it weakens them as you eat more of it. This article on the major reasons why refined sugar is bad for you can give you the facts.

Each three-fourths cup serving of the cereal contains 11 grams of sugar which is derived from three sources; just see the next two ingredients for the complete list. The more sugar you consume, the less precious vitamins and minerals left that could do your body good.

Refined sugar throws our digestive system out of whack, and most people never recover from that because they continue to consume more of that deadly poison. Here is another great article that details how the digestion and absorption of sugar into our internal organs might be the reason for the rise in all types of illnesses and diseases.

Malt Flavoring

This question and answer from Kellogg’s community website is an eye-opener. One of the concerned citizens asked:

Where is your Malt Flavoring from?

And the company rep replied;

“Thank you for contacting us, Bridget. Our malt flavoring is made by extracting the flavor components from barley or corn. Our supply can come from either corn, barley or a mixture of both. I apologize, but we cannot specify which grain the malt is from in our Corn Flake Crumbs.”

First if you’re looking for gluten-free cereal, this is not the brand for you, as it derives some of its flavoring from malt which is a by-product of barley. Malt flavoring simply contains gluten. Malt flavoring is another form of “MSG” and through the power of industry lobbyist, the language for what qualifies as the dangerous chemical was altered.

It’s like eating chicken nuggets and pretending you’re eating real chicken parts. Malt flavoring is simply another type of MSG with all its deadly consequences, and the food manufacturers know about it. Read MSG: The Hidden Danger in Your Children’s Food, to catch up on the deadly poison now included in our food supply chain.


By now you know your popular breakfast cereal is nothing more than a concoction developed in the laboratory to keep you hooked and coming back for more. As long as you keep coming back for more, your health is of secondary importance to the manufacturer.

Yes, a good amount of salt is included in the ingredients list. Do worry because it gets nastier, as we get to the chemicals added to keep you hooked on this “breakfast of champions”.

Sodium Ascorbate

This is a deadly substance when consumed in large quantities. Since no one is counting calories or quantities, the side effects of this chemical includes; high blood pressure, kidney stones, in rare cases genetic mutation.

While this substance is an alternate form of vitamin C, and commonly found in some of your major brands of vitamin supplements, the danger of having too much of it in your system cannot be simply ignored.

This stuff can be manipulated in the lab, and the type included in your cereal will not do your body any good as you consume more of it. Here is the best article on the disadvantages of Sodium Ascorbate.

Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C)

This is another form of vitamin C, and it can be manipulated in the lab to serve many purposes.


This is another form of vitamin B3, and can also be manipulated in the lab to do many things. Just ask yourself, if you add bad ingredients with some good ingredients, does that make the product good? Of cause not!


Since the regulation of the cereal industry is non-existent, no one questions what is in the ingredients list unless they’re sued for malpractice. There are different types of iron one can take, and the one included in your breakfast cereal is not fully specified.

I know most people do not care how the food product is made until they develop disease and then they start to worry how that can be. It would be nice to know what type of iron ingredients are included in Kellogg’s frosted flakes, but the current law does not require it.

Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (vitamin B6)

The natural forming Pyridoxine is a well-known vitamin that can be found in many food products such as beans, vegetables, eggs, meats, liver etc. The danger is that this substance can also be manufactured in the laboratory to mimic the natural substance. Anything created in the lab can be made to do many different functions, so enjoy the frosted flakes at your own risk.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2)

Riboflavin is another form of vitamin B2, and can be manipulated to perform other functions. I might as well tell you now, most of the so called vitamins included in the breakfast cereal are synthetics, meaning they were created in the laboratory and passed off as the natural real thing.

Thiamin Hydrochloride (vitamin B1)

This is another form of vitamin B1, and the synthetic form can be manipulated in the lab.

Vitamin A Palmitate

While this substance can be found in plants, animals and microorganisms, it can also be manufactured in the lab and passed off as the natural real thing. Since the chemical composition is well known, creating one in the lab is not that difficult.

Folic Acid

Folic acid goes by so many names, and it is widely used in many products. The synthetic version is what’s included in Kellogg’s frosted flakes.

BHT Preservative

While the debate rages on about the safety of BHT preservatives in our food supply, you do not have to be the guinea pig in this experiment. Test on animals confirm the potential of the substance to cause cancer. Most of your package foods contain this toxin, because it is required to make them last longer and not get rancid or spoiled.

I have learned to trust my instinct when scientists argue about the safety of a substance, because it usually does not end well. Look how long it took them to recognize the dangers of MSG, despite all the empirical data to back up the health dangers. Look how long it took the food industry to accept the concept of expiration date?

Even that also has a huge loophole, as the expiration date does not include when the ingredients were sourced. So your milled corn could have been conducted a year ago, but the time clock for the expiration will only commence until the frosted flakes is manufactured.

Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Ingredients

Vitamin B12

This is another form of synthetic vitamin created in the lab.

Vitamin D

When most people see Vitamin D, they quickly buy the product, but there is a huge difference between the synthetic and natural vitamin D. What you have in Kellogg’s frosted flakes is the synthetic version of vitamin D.

Contains Traces of Soybean

Why they choose to include traces of soybean products in the cereal just confirms what we already know, this company uses genetically modified organisms in their cereal formulation.

In Conclusion

In presenting this frosted flakes nutrition information, it was not my intention to make you stop eating this breakfast cereal, for that wise choice is only yours to make. After looking closely at the Kellogg frosted flakes nutrition facts and label, only a naive person would completely trust what is listed in the ingredients list.

If the company behind this popular breakfast cereal is not forthcoming about the full picture of the included ingredients and how they’re sourced, how can you even trust the listed calories in frosted flakes? This cereal is nothing more than a concoction in a clean lab, and the aim of all the included ingredients is to hook you on this product.

You can do so much better by cooking your own all natural food, including leafy vegetables and all natural fruits. At least we adults have a choice to poison our own system, but feeding this product to your little kids will not bring good results in both nutrition and health matters.

What you do with this information is your choice, but now you cannot claim you did not know about the dangers of this product if you choose to continue consuming it.

Great Articles to Consider Reading:

How To Tell If A Vitamin Is Natural Or Synthetic

Processed cereals found to be neurotoxic

11 Foods That Just Might Kill Your Sex Drive

Paula F. Kennedy

Paula F. Kennedy

As an older woman, I have so many life-experiences and my reviews will be from that angle. With four kids – three girls and one boy, weight-loss and personal hygiene products are some of the issues I can write about with authority.
Paula F. Kennedy
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