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Sea Salt and Table Salt: The Comparisons and Similarities

Salt has been considered as an important ingredient in human life and it even dates back to the times when salt was used as wages for Roman soldiers. 75% of the human body is actually made up of water. However, it is not water in pure form, since salt is present in the cells and tissues of the body.

Salt is mined from sea water and can also be found in underground mineral deposits. Presently, there are four identified types of salts: table salt, kosher salt, sea salt, and iodized salt. This article shall focus on the table salt and sea salt.

Sea Salt and Table Salt

There has been a lot of debate among health experts whether sea salt is a healthier choice than table salt. Hundreds of articles have been written about it but they all come down to the same conclusion: no. Table salt and sea salt actually contain in them the same basic nutritional value. There is actually no difference in their chemical makeup; they are only different in terms of taste, texture, and processing.

Sea salt is produced by evaporating sea water and does not undergo much factory processing, therefore certain traces of minerals and other elements can be found depending on its water source. The variety of the levels of coarseness is due to the minerals which also add flavor and color.

Table salt, on the other hand, is mined from underground mineral deposits. It is more heavily processed than sea salt and is done so to take out the minerals. An extra additive is processed along with it to prevent clumping. Today, most table salts now come with added iodine, an essential nutrient which is naturally found in sea salt.

Besides, the texture, taste, and manufacturing process, here are the other differences of table salt and sea salt.

Sea Salt versus Table Salt

(1) Sodium and chlorine are the only naturally occurring minerals found in table salt. Sea salt has other minerals like sulfur, iron, and magnesium. This is one reason why the nutritive value of sea salt is higher.

(2) The manufacturing and refining process done with table salt removes its natural minerals. Compared to sea salt, it makes table salt an unnatural substance and can contribute to diseases such as heart and kidney diseases.

(3) Although sea salt is considered a healthier choice by most people, it also has its drawbacks. The reason why people consider table salt a better source of iodine is because it is added with iodine. Sea salt, on the other, contain this nutrient naturally and one might find its amount lesser than that of table salt.

(4) Sea salt comes from sea water which contains quite a number of other impurities. When processed for sea salt, sea water is not boiled or treated as this could make it lose all the nutrients it has.

If you are trying to compare sea salt versus table salt, you should know that both of them are created using the same methods of evaporation, have the same amount of sodium chloride, and both are healthy when used in the most appropriate amounts.

What is a Sea Salt Cleanse?

Colon cleansing, otherwise called as colon irrigation, is one of the methods people perform in order to gain health improvement, especially in the digestive aspect of health.

Colon cleansing detoxifies the body. In this process, the toxins and waste materials in the digestive tract are flushed out of the system. One of the types of colon cleansing methods people perform is a process called sea salt cleanse.

Sea salt cleansing is considered by many one of the easiest colon cleansing practices. This process has been carried out by people since long ago, centuries in fact, proving its efficiency and effectiveness as a detoxification process.

This method is truly effective in removing the toxins, waste and fecal deposits, and other harmful digestive impurities in the system. Aside from being efficient, a sea salt cleanse is also convenient to perform in any household. The routine in performing sea salt cleansing involves the use of chemically untreated mineral salt or sea salt.

Table salt found in the household is different from the pure sea salt and if they are used instead of the chemically untreated ones, the positive result on colon cleansing will not be achieved. The primary reason is that the pure sea salt contains the important minerals and nutrients needed to achieve the cleansing effect.

The story behind the salt’s effect on colon cleansing hasn’t been discovered and proven yet. Nevertheless, assumptions and postulations regarding this matter have been formulated by health experts and professionals.

It is now believed that the salt’s effectiveness in colon cleansing is due to its ability to be in the same specific gravity as the blood when it is mixed with water. This will allow the sea salt and water solution to pass through the intestines, instead of the kidneys, where the purification and cleansing ability of the salt will take action.


To perform sea salt cleansing, one will be needing two teaspoons of untreated sea salt and two quarts of warm water. Combine the sea salt with the warm water and there it is the sea salt cleansing mixture. A person may find it hard to swallow the mixture of sea salt and water because of the taste.

To be able to successfully gulp down the formula, an addition of lemonade in the liquid solution will be helpful. The sea salt drink is recommended to be taken in the morning before breakfast and before the day ends, bowel movement will then be felt.

Colon cleansing has its side effects that people may find troublesome. The side effects can also pose danger to one’s health. If a person suffers from ulcer or other certain digestive illnesses, he or she should consult a physician before performing the sea salt cleansing.

The sea salt cleanse is beneficial to people with constipation. However, if one is dealing with chronic constipation, sea salt cleansing might impair the digestion process. which might create negative side effects. It is better to first perform gentle cleansing to prepare your digestive system for a sea salt detoxification.

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