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How to Determine if You Need An Intestine Cleanse

If you are not familiar with detoxification and cleansing, you may be wondering why there is a need for our intestines to be free of toxins and other harmful waste products from our daily food consumption. Naturally, our intestines should be able to do this by themselves, however, most of us lack the dietary fiber intake needed to help our bowel systems do their jobs.

The truth is, 50% of the population in many countries has digestive problems and constipation. Our small intestine is responsible for taking nutrients from the food we eat and for producing the enzymes needed for food digestion, while our large intestine is the one that absorbs water that helps it eliminate our body waste.

The lining of both these intestines suffer from an unhealthy diet and becomes covered with mucous that prevents them from absorbing the food nutrients effectively.

So how do you know if you need an intestine cleanse? Your small intestine and your colon are functioning poorly if you have:

Infrequent bowel movements. Elimination of your body wastes should happen at least once to thrice a day.

Digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome and colitis

Elevated cholesterol levels.

Skin problems like acne and eczema

Bad breath

Gingivitis and periodontal diseases

Bloating and belching after a meal

An Intestine Cleanse

One effective solution to these problems is a safe and well-structured intestine detoxification. In order to heal your intestines, clean your blood system and gain healthier intestinal flora, it is a must that you undergo an intestine cleanse.

There are many who have tried this process of intestinal cleansing in order to lose extra weight and gain back their self-confidence as well. Our bodies are self-healing and self-cleansing, therefore, going through an intestinal cleanse will further support and let our systems do more. However, intestinal cleansing can be dangerous at certain points.

Some types of detoxification should be done with utmost care. For example, colon hydrotherapy, for one, requires supervision by a highly skilled therapist or health practitioner and the use of high quality water and sterile instruments.

It is an unfortunate fact that many hydro-therapists do not really adhere to or are not trained properly on medical guidelines, so you have to make sure that you are doing this with one who is experienced and well trained.

A safe and effective intestine detox program should provide you with clear and important information with regard to diet changes. All types of cleansing programs will require you to consume foods that are easy to digest.

If you have medical concerns that may be affected by such dietary changes, your health practitioner should be able to guide you in transitioning gradually to your new diet. Your detoxification program should only include natural ingredients and not those that contain chemical contents.

Avoid using these and stick with the natural ones. Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the process as this helps your body systems get rid of all toxins.

Herbs for a Healthier Colon

Digestive problems and bowel movement disorders have plagued many people who love to eat. Constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis and the like are common hints that you may need colon cleansing.

Herbal colon cleansing requires the use of natural colon cleansing herbs in order to and restore healthy digestion. These herbs come in pre-mixed formulas or individual herbs that can be conveniently prepared for your colon cleansing process.

They have been used for many years and despite the fact that they work a bit slower compared to colonics and enemas, they can also produce good results in the long run.

Different herbs provide different cleansing benefits and results; therefore it is important to determine your goal when selecting your herbal colon cleanser. There are herbs that have laxative effects and some simply stimulate your digestion and peristalsis.

Others will scrub your intestines to eliminate feces and prevent toxin accumulation. There are also herbs that can kill harmful bacteria and other parasites, while some will work to soften your stool and improve your colon’s functions in order to promote regular bowels.

These herbs often come in different cleansing products such as tinctures, teas, extracts, powders, capsules and leaves. The most common ones are:

1. Chickweed – This relieves constipation and provides fast action to cause a movement within just several hours after it is consumed. It flushes out your toxins and strengthens the muscles of your stomach and colon.

2. Senna – Senna is one of the most beloved herbal laxatives that is used by many because it works very quickly. It is mostly packed in teas and works as a purgative. It stimulates peristalsis in order for you to eliminate bowels naturally. If you feel nauseous when taking this herb, add ginger or cinnamon.

3. Cascara Sagrada – This herb contains anthroquinones that have laxative effects. It also stimulates bile production that speeds up the removal of waste and toxins from your system. Cascara is often in capsule form or in liquid extracts. It can also come in dry bark form, which can be made into tea. This herb is not recommended for children. Adults should only take it for seven consecutive days.

4. Slippery Elm – Good for constipation and diarrhea, this all-purpose natural herb normalizes your stool and heals and soothes your intestinal linings. It works best if you increase your water intake as well.

5. Rhubarb – Usually found in Chinese medications, it also contains the anthroquinones that Cascara has in order to promote waste elimination. It also has the compound, tannin that is effective in relieving diarrhea and colon inflammation.

6. Pysllium – It is the most popular cleansing herb that provides fiber and strengthens the lining of the intestines. It is taken once to thrice a day with plenty of water as well.

7. Fennel Seed- Reduces gas, enhances digestion and provides lower abdominal pain relief.

Other colon cleansing herbs that can kill parasites are black walnut hulls, clove, tea tree oil, wormwood, false unicorn root and pumpkin seed.

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