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Water and Protein Can Help You Develop a Healthy Body

Our internal organs are capable of doing so much, that sometimes we neglect to take good care of them. While most people are prone to looking in the mirror to get confirmation of how they feel, the most important parts of our body are located inside. What you eat reflects what you’ll become health-wise.

If you suddenly discover that you’re slightly overweight, do you think it happened overnight? Of cause not, it took many cows, pigs, chickens, flours, dough, juice, sugar, coffee, etc. for you to get that way.

This article is not about the best ways to lose weight (you can find a good reference article here), but it is about the power of water and good protein to help you stay lean and in shape. There are many ways you can get your nutrients; you can go the natural or unnatural route. Most things we eat have some nutritional value, but some more than others.

Good Nuts

Personally, I would suggest you source these nutrients through mostly fruits, vegetables, and other organic products. I hear people complain that organic foods are too expensive, yet some of them have the most costly smartphone with high monthly plans. Better to eat healthy, than to work around with a status symbol that’s just making someone else very rich.

The same people that complain about the price of natural foods would not think twice paying $5 or more for a cup of Frappuccino from Starbucks. So stop complaining about the cost of healthy nutritious foods, and just stop buying the unhealthy ones to get the extra funds you need.

There are a few free nutrition apps; one can use to keep track of calorie and nutrient intake on a daily basis. The nutritional information in this article is just to raise your awareness level, which could only help lead you into making better and healthier food buying decisions.

If you eat just a little bit of the following nutrients on a daily basis, you’ll develop a stronger and healthier immune system. Moderation in everything you do is probably an appropriate principle to apply here.

Let’s Start With Water

Water Benefits

Image Source > water.usgs.gov/edu/propertyyou.html

This is one substance majority of the people do not drink enough of. The human body is composed of about 70% water, and yet most people find it hard to drink a cup or two on a daily basis. Water does so many things for the body that it would take several pages to list them all.

Most of the important biological processes that occur in your body are all regulated by water, in one form or another. Water is the most important substance when it comes to distributing the nutrients you consumed. Water is the key role player in removing waste and toxins from our body.

I cannot tell you how much water you should drink every day, but try to make it more than five glassesful. If you drink a lot of coffee, tea, or caffeinated drinks, you should be drinking at least a gallon of water every day, to flush those chemicals out of your system.

Even if you’re strapped for cash drinking the tap water will still do your body good. Making cool-Aid or other drinks made with water will not serve the same purpose. What you need is pure refreshing water to keep your body in tip-top shape.

What About Protein?

Getting enough supply of daily Protein is important because your body’s mass is composed of at least 20% protein. Good protein will provide needed structure to cells in your body. With enough supply of protein, your muscles, bones, and other vital organs will wither away. Just like water, protein is required for human existence, period.

There are many sources for potentially good protein, but some can give you high cholesterol level or high blood pressure if you don’t practice moderation in your dieting. Now let’s explore some of the well-known sources, and the popular organic sources for those into living with nature.

Regular Sources of Protein

Seafood – Almost all types of seafood are good for you because they’re low in fat, and some will deliver omega-3 fatty acids which help develop a healthy heart.

Poultry White-Meat – To get good protein from your poultry meat, you must stick to the white part as that contains less fat. I would suggest you buy your chicken from your local butcher and put in a request to have the skin removed.

Dairy Products – Your regular dairy products like yogurt, milk, and cheese are good sources of protein and calcium, but use moderation as the sweetened brands can make you gain weight fast. Stick with the brands with low-fat, or just select skim milk. The calcium in your dairy products will keep your teeth and bones strong.

Eggs – This is a good source of protein, but too much will add to your weight gain. If you go this route, select fresh eggs, not the chemically infused brands that come in containers. If you’re not cracking the eggs yourself, you’re not eating real eggs. It’s like eating chicken Mac-nuggets and thinking they’re made from real chicken.

Beans – You cannot go wrong with eating almost any type of beans. Be careful with your quantity, as they do enable more flatulence in most people.

Other common sources of a regular protein include; Pork white meat, Soy, and most types of lean beef. Be careful with trying to get most of your protein from meat products, as that industry cannot be trusted for cleanliness and dealing above-board.

If you found out what they feed those chickens, cattle, cows and pig, you would not want to eat meat anymore. Here is a good video for those of you not too squeamish to watch.

Organic Sources of Protein

Green peas – This is a good source of good protein. Make sure you’re buying fresh green peas and prepare them yourself.

Quinoa – this is definitely a good grain crop, and mixing some of the seeds into your daily dieting will give you all the protein you need.

Nuts – Almost all the fruit Nuts contain a significant amount of protein. Almonds, Cashews, pistachios are just some of the Nuts you can eat to get all the good protein you need.

Leafy greens – You cannot go wrong by eating lots of leafy greens. Greens should not be over-cooked as the antioxidants and nutrients might be washed away. Eating your vegetables raw, or just lightly boiling your broccoli will keep all the nutrients in the produce.

This is another great video for those looking to make better food choices for healthy living.

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