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Facts about Fatty Liver Disease And Diet

A fatty liver disease is a medical condition wherein an excessive amount of fat builds up in the liver cells. This occurs when the amount of fat in a person’s diet is way more than what the body could handle; as a result, these fatty tissues accumulate in the liver instead.

A fatty liver disease is a medical condition most common among alcoholics and overweight people. It occurs when the excessive fat in the body becomes deposited in the liver tissues. This extra fat comprises 5-10% of the liver’s total weight.

It isn’t very dangerous during its first stages-in fact, it doesn’t even show any immediate manifestations-but if it is left untreated through the years, it can progress into something that is more life-threatening.

fatty liver disease

A fatty liver’s total weight is made up 5-10% fat. This condition is sometimes defined in terms of alcohol consumption, which in part is responsible for the accumulation of fat in the body-hence, the categories alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. An alcoholic fatty liver disease is primarily caused by an excessive intake of alcohol.

It is partly determined by genetics as well-either your genes predispose you to drink large amounts of alcohol on a regular basis (which in turn influences the likelihood that you will become an alcoholic) or your genes make your liver cells incapable of properly breaking down alcohol. According to statistics, almost every alcoholic in the United States develops a fatty liver.

On the other hand, a nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is diagnosed among people who consume little or no alcohol. The problem is mainly attributed to an unhealthy diet and the body’s inability to metabolize fat. If left untreated, the fat in the liver might harden and cause scarring-a condition also known as cirrhosis.

Most cases of cirrhosis are associated with other liver-related diseases such as liver cancer and liver death. Among overweight and obese children, this liver condition can increase the risk of developing a heart disease.

A fatty liver disease can progress without showing any physical symptoms; thus, it is referred to as a “silent disease.” However, within a matter of years, it can cause fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, feelings of weakness, and nausea.

It can even lead to troubled thinking and impaired judgment. In its most severe stage, it can cause jaundice (yellow skin and eye coloration), internal bleeding, and liver failure. Although there is no specific cure for this disease, you can still do something to avoid its development and progression.

First, you can consult your doctor and ask him/her to check for any possible underlying medical condition, like diabetes. You should also start switching to a healthier lifestyle. Quit drinking alcohol as soon as you can, and avoid fatty food products, most especially if you have a family history of obesity.

Also, aside from reducing your caloric intake, you would need to increase your consumption of food rich in fiber. To complement your diet, increase your physical activity and exercise regularly for you to get rid of all the bad fat in your body.

Another thing that you should take note of is the quantity and quality of medicine that you are taking. Avoid taking any unnecessary medications without a prescription from your doctor, as it might only serve to aggravate other pre-existing medical conditions which you might not be aware of. If your condition has already progressed to a life-threatening level, seek the advice of your doctor and opt for a liver transplant.

What You Should Know: Fatty Liver Diet

Regardless of whether a fatty liver is caused by an excessive intake of alcohol or not, a healthy fatty liver diet is a must. Among alcoholics, it is advised that they abstain from drinking copious amounts of alcohol, as alcoholism contributes to liver damage. If alcoholism is already deeply rooted in their system, they might be required to undergo a rehabilitation program to help them adjust to a new life without alcohol.

However, quitting alcohol should not be abruptly done lest you want to suffer from the full-blown effects of alcohol withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms can sometimes be unbearable and most often leads to a relapse, so if you want your therapy to become successful, do it in a gradual process.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, on the other hand, might be attributed to an excessive consumption of fatty food products and/or the body’s inability to break down fats properly. Needless to say, it is most common among people who are overweight or obese.

To avoid the progression of this disease, a special diet must be arranged. Ideally, a fatty liver diet should be low in calorie and in carbohydrates. It is well-understood why a fatty liver diet should be low in calories: to avoid the buildup of excess fatty tissues in the liver cells.

But how is this condition linked to carbohydrate consumption? According to research, a fatty liver is linked to Type 2 Diabetes, as these two medical conditions go hand-in-hand in most overweight people.

Fatty Liver Diet

Type 2 Diabetes is a condition characterized by high levels of blood glucose and is further aggravated by the consumption of certain carbohydrate products. Although there is no causal relationship between the two, treating these conditions together can improve your health at a faster rate.

A fatty liver diet should contain most of the following food products: beans, legumes, fruits (avoid those which contain high levels of glucose though, like bananas), vegetables, protein-rich products, skim milk, and whole grain bread.

On the other hand, you should avoid products with high sugar content such as pastries, carbonated drinks, and breakfast cereals. You should also avoid fast food products like burgers, pizzas, and fries because of their high caloric content.

If you’re having a hard time losing the extra weight (i.e. being overweight runs in your genes), complement your new diet with regular exercise.

Exercise will help you lose the unwanted fat in your body; however, if you fail to do this regularly, all your efforts will only be wasted. Allot an hour or so for some physical activities in your daily schedule in order to make the routine more effective.

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